The Snapshot #69: Creating A Distinctive Brand Through Content & Social Media

The Snapshot #69: Creating A Distinctive Brand Through Content & Social Media

Homesnap talks to Gemma Schaefer and Kristin McFeely of the Philly Home Girls about how they’ve developed a very distinctive brand through content and social media for niche audiences. Find out what they do differently and why it works.

You’ll learn:

  1. How the Philly Home Girls pay attention to their audience’s interests to determine which content to create and post.
  2. How they curate and tag content to increase SEO and reach.
  3. How they remove ego from their marketing and focus on what their audience wants.
  4. How they bring a human touch to their listings.
  5. How they’ve organized their website around home stories and neighborhoods to connect consumers, neighborhoods and properties.
  6. Why the Philly Home Girls show their personal, human side through social media.
  7. How they divide marketing roles among their staff.
  8. What they have planned for 2018.

Links mentioned:


Creative Market

You can listen to this episode here, or on iTunes or Stitcher.
