The Snapshot #2: Engaging With Real Estate Social Media Influencers To Build A Business

The Snapshot #2: Engaging With Real Estate Social Media Influencers To Build A Business


We talk to Ryan Fitzgerald, an agent with Raleigh Realty, about developing strong relationships with social media influencers in real estate and how that has helped his own social media marketing and brought him clients.

You’ll learn:

1. how to find social media influencers in real estate and then cultivate those relationships

2. the value of sharing other people’s content

3. how a strong presence on Google+ sends people to your content

4. how to become a social media influencer yourself

5. how to target Facebook ads to fit your strategy

Links mentioned:

Raleigh Realty Homes

RIS Media: Tips For Viral Social Media Marketing In Real Estate Market Your Real Estate Business Like It’s 2016

Google Analytics App


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Or find Ryan’s podcast on Stitcher or iTunes.
