Snail mail in this day and age? Certainly! The real estate prospecting letter is not dead. In fact, it does a much better job of catching someone’s attention than yet another email sent to an already-flooded inbox. When done well, a letter seems personal and doesn’t make people feel like they’re part of a mass-mailing effort. And that’s important for a job that is built on relationships, not transactions.
Use this to your advantage and include postal mail as part of your marketing strategy. But before you jump into writing your own, read our tips on writing an effective letter. If you find that writer’s block is getting in your way, feel free to draw inspiration from our real estate prospecting letter examples, too.
Letter-Writing Tips
First, you need to take into account how many prospecting letters you’ll be sending out. If you’re planning on a mass mailing, then writing them out by hand is off the table. But if you’re a fan of targeted prospecting, which is much more effective anyway, then you should take the time to pen the letters yourself—on your brokerage’s letterhead, if you have it. This adds that personal touch and will make people more inclined to respond. (You might know this in digital marketing speak as increasing your conversion rate.)
Although we’re providing you with templates, they’re just a starting point. You should write your real estate prospecting letters in your own words. Be authentic. It will help the recipient connect with you so you can start building that all-important relationship.
Finally, always personalize the letter. Avoid generic greetings like “Dear sir/ma’am” and “To whom it may concern.” Include details that are specific to their neighborhood or the property’s history to show that you’ve done your homework. This is much easier to do when your marketing is targeted. For example, if you’re using Homesnap Pro’s Likelihood to List tool to find prospects for your mailing list, you can pull home details from the property listing page and get the homeowner’s first name from their associated profile.
Real Estate Prospecting Letter Examples
Now that you’re aware of some do’s and don’ts, it’s time to get writing! Use these real estate prospecting letter examples as a starting point for your targeted marketing efforts.
Basic Introduction Letter
Hi [First Name],
I want to introduce myself, and I thought you might enjoy receiving a letter instead of another email. My name is [Name], and I’m a real estate agent working with [Team Name at Brokerage]. I represent homeowners in [Neighborhood]. Most recently, I sold the home at [address].
This is a highly desirable neighborhood, and homes are generally selling above asking price and going under contract in an average of [##] days! [Include a sentence specific to their property, whether it’s a valuation estimate or a nod to their home equity.] With the market trends I’ve been seeing, we could sell your home quickly and for a price I think you’d be very pleased with.
If you become interested in selling, purchasing another home or just want to ask some real estate questions, please feel free to reach out at any time. I would be happy to help!
Best wishes,
[your contact information]
Why it works: The introduction is friendly while letting the recipient know that you’re an active, successful agent in their neighborhood. The letter also shows your market and property-specific knowledge and expresses confidence when it comes to selling their particular home.
Interested Buyer Letter
Hi [First Name],
I’m [Name], a real estate agent with [Team Name at Brokerage], representing local buyers and sellers. I’m currently working with a motivated buyer who is very interested in living in [Neighborhood]. They love [Include neighborhood characteristics. If you have a buyer who is interested in this specific property, include details.].
I’m not sure if you’re aware of the local market trends, but homes have been selling in record time and above asking price! [Include some specific stats or data.] It’s a great time to be a seller in [Neighborhood]!
Do you have any interest in selling if the price is right? Feel free to contact me at any time if you are—or even if you just have questions about the market or your home’s value. I would be happy to chat! If you’re not interested in putting your home on the market but know a neighbor who is, I would love to connect with them.
Best wishes,
[your contact information]
Why it works: If you have a buyer interested in the neighborhood but inventory is low, this is a great way to help expand their options while potentially earning you new seller clients. By letting the recipient know how hot the market is, you’re warming them up to the idea of selling and instilling confidence that they’ll be happy with the outcome.
Property Analysis Letter
Hi [First Name],
I want to introduce myself, and I thought you might enjoy receiving a letter instead of another email. My name is [Name], and I’m a real estate agent working with [Team Name at Brokerage]. I represent homeowners in [Neighborhood]. Most recently, I sold the home at [address] and [include an outcome, such as for % above asking price or in ## days].
It’s a fantastic time to sell, especially in [Neighborhood]! [Include market trends or stats.] Are you aware of what you could get for your home right now? I’ve done a competitive analysis and can share that information with you if you’re interested. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
Let me know if you want to learn more about the analysis, your home’s value or the market trends in [Neighborhood]. I’d be happy to chat at any time. Just reach out to me at [your contact information].
Best wishes,
Why it works: You are establishing your expertise both in real estate and in this specific neighborhood. Mentioning but withholding CMA information should pique their interest. If the homeowner has any inclination to explore selling, they will be likely to follow up with you.
Final Thoughts
You’ll notice some commonalities among all these letters. They are:
- Have a friendly yet professional tone
- Are short and to the point
- Establish credentials
- Share market knowledge and expertise
- Provide a clear explanation of why you’re writing
- End with a call to action and your contact info
Make sure your real estate prospecting letter checks these boxes, whether you are writing a general prospecting letter, an open house follow-up or to persuade an FSBO or an expired listing owner to work with you.
Before you seal the envelope, don’t forget to drop in your business card. Although your contact information is on the letter, it’s always wise to include your card. For one, it likely includes details that you didn’t write down, such as your website URL. It also makes it easy for the recipient to pass your information to someone else they know who is interested in buying or selling.
Give your letters some time to arrive at their destination. Then, follow up with a friendly call if you haven’t heard from the recipients. Make sure they are included in your audience list for any digital ads you’re running. That will help improve brand awareness and keep you top of mind. This multichannel approach is one of the best ways to optimize your marketing!