If you’re a member of MRED, we have great news about your saved searches and listing alerts for clients!
Homesnap has integrated with DynaConnections to create an even better experience for you and your clients!
Now, your saved searches and listing alert emails will be branded with your headshot and contact information. Clients will be directed to view the listings on Homesnap, and they’ll be able to easily rate properties so you immediately know their interest level. They can even send you a personal note with their rating, which you can see in ConnectMLS.
Here’s how it works:
1. Set up a saved search for a client in ConnectMLS
2. Choose Homesnap to send a saved search alert to your client
3. Your client will get an agent-branded email from Homesnap with saved search results
4. Clients can click on listings and will see them on Homesnap
5. Clients can choose their interest level (Interested, Maybe, Not Really) on the property listing and leave a note for you
We’re really looking forward to how this integration will help MRED agents serve their clients better. Here’s to many seamless saved searches and listing alerts for clients through Homesnap!