Drive More Foot Traffic to Your Open House

Drive More Foot Traffic to Your Open House

Picture this: You’re hosting an open house at a home that’s a little out of the way — the sellers live in a cul-de-sac that takes a few confusing turns to get to. 

Yes, you’ve done your traditional open house marketing and you’ve put up road signs on every curb nearby, but still, you’re worried people aren’t going to find it or simply won’t bother navigating a tangle of unfamiliar roads. And in large part, your concerns are well-founded. While you may get some fresh faces in the door, a house’s secluded location can often prove a deterrent for prospective attendees.

Luckily, there’s a solution, and it’s a pretty simple one: putting yourself on the map (literally!) with Waze advertisements. Waze is a navigation app that relies on user-submitted content, such as traffic updates, police whereabouts and accident reports, to direct drivers to their destinations. And with 100 million monthly active users, it’s incredibly useful and super widely used.

Waze offers three types of advertisements, and they all allow you to safely target drivers within a specified radius of a target location, which in your case would be the address of your open house.  When a user clicks on any of these ads, they’ll be offered an option to (re)direct their GPS navigation to your intended location. And because all prospects have to do is click “Take me there” to receive individualized, step-by-step directions, Waze advertisements are particularly effective in removing a lot of the friction (e.g.,[mis]remembering an address, getting lost on the way) that can come from attending an open house. 

The three Waze advertisements options available to you are:

Zero-Speed Takeover:

Zero-speed takeover ads prompt users, when they come to a full stop, to redirect their drives to your open house. 


Branded pin: 

Self-described as digital billboards, branded pin ads put your business on the map. Once users click on your pin, copy and a photo of your choice will populate the top part of the screen and let users get step-by-step navigation to your open house. 


Promoted Search: 

Promoted search ads allow you to jump to the top when users are about to enter something into the Waze search bar. Again, users can choose to navigate straight to your open house. 


How Homesnap helps 

Homesnap automates the Waze ad buying process, so agents don’t have to create ads from scratch or have an extensive knowledge of digital marketing. Plus, Homesnap leverages our consumer onsite behavior to target in-market consumers with far more precision than DIY alternatives, making it easier than ever for agents to drive interested prospects to their open house. 

Bottom line

When you think of marketing your open houses — or advertising in general — Waze probably isn’t the first platform that springs to mind. In the grand scheme of online advertising, it’s somewhat overlooked when compared to Facebook, Instagram and Google, but that opens it up to greater opportunity and less competition. And with 88 percent of drivers using their phones while driving, there’s plenty of opportunity out there. 

In short, think of Waze ads as your virtual for-sale signs. Not only will you attract people who wouldn’t pass or see your signs, but since you’re appealing to people who are in their cars, they have the means to get there right then and there. It makes Waze absolutely perfect for promoting your open houses.

Open house visits today, leads tomorrow. Investing in Waze advertisements is investing in both the present and the future. 

Learn more about Homesnap Pro Ads on Waze
